Leading practitioner of building science, creating large-scale environmental impacts in the global movement towards clean energy and sustainable design.
Unique combination of experience in mechanical engineering, energy modeling, and software development, with the ability to leverage programming and data science to facilitate analysis and task automation.
Comprehensive environmental consulant, with expertise in high-performance building design, green building certifications, energy codes and standards, and alternative energy systems.
Comprehensive building energy modeling, from preliminary design optimization to detailed performance modeling and code compliance. Specializing in large-scale, parametric energy modeling, to facilitate micro- and macro-scale analyses. Expertise in the EnergyPlus simulation engine, open-source software, and scripting.
image: kW engineering
Sustainable design consulting, with extensive knowledge and experience in LEED, Living Building Challenge, Passivhaus, earthships, biophilic designs, plant system integration, alternative energy systems, and cutting edge building technologies.
image: XL Construction
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building certification project management and credit support. Specializing in energy modeling with compliance to ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G Performance Rating Method. LEED Accredited Professional (Building Design + Construction).
image: Southern Energy
Expertise in state and federal building codes, appliance standards, and product ratings. Specializing in performance-based compliance with the California Building Energy Code Compliance (CBECC) software platforms (Residential and Non-Residential), ASHRAE Standards, and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).
image: Builder Online
Leveraging data science and statistical models to derive meaning, reveal trends, and draw conclusions through parsing raw data. Utilizing Excel VBA and Python data analysis libraries to manipulate and visualize complex datasets.
image: Flextrade